Rotate an Array in place

The interesting things that you would face during Interviews are mostly in the form of puzzles and challenges. These are meant to not tickle your brain but instead it can stump you. On top of that, if you really give it a thought, some of these questions or scenarios are based off bad architecture and […]

Rules Based Fizz Buzz

If you have interviewed at any point recently, then you might have come across the FizzBuzz problem. No, it is not to do with long term storage of your open cola bottle. It is based on a childhood game (I knew of a variant, not FizzBuzz) the idea is simple, you stand in a circle […]

Solving Spotify puzzles using Swift

You must have at some stage attempted to learn about algorithms and searched for puzzles to write algorithms for to solve. There are three interesting puzzles laid out by Spotify at We shall have a look at solving those using Swift

Move Zeroes – Algorithms

Come across a task in an Interview or a website that challenges you to this. The thing that intrigues me is a good challenge (and many a times I do struggle with it, I am no Genius) However it is still worth a try.

Add Binary Numbers

I love Swift for a couple of reasons of which one is clean and readable code. As an advocate of simple to read code and using functions available with the system I prefer to work with simpler code and one that would be provided by the system.