Move Zeroes – Algorithms

Come across a task in an Interview or a website that challenges you to this. The thing that intrigues me is a good challenge (and many a times I do struggle with it, I am no Genius) However it is still worth a try.

Programming Swift like Swift not Java or Objective-C

The last article was written around September 2015 and a lot has happened in the world of Swift since then including my world (both of which are for another time/article). However in the last couple of months I have been interviewing developers to work with us and the interesting fact that emerges from the technical […]

Convert Binary String to Integer

How do you convert Binary String to it’s Integer Value? There are many approaches to convert Binary strings to Integers. One approach could be to iterate through all of the characters in the string and add the value of 2 raised to the power of the index.

Tip: Creating an Int from a String in Swift

Talking to a couple of developers over various mediums about Swift has had mixed results. However one thing that came up again and again was that it is a little confusing. While confusing in the literal sense would not be the correct word. So let me elaborate the issue first.

Tuples – holding multiple values in a variable

We saw that we can declare variables or constants to hold values that we could use in our code instead of hard-coding them. We could also return values from functions however in most languages you can only return a single value. Mainly this return value would be more like a Boolean value that indicated if […]