Parsing command line options using Swift

There is a higher chance that you might have stayed away from the terminal or the command line, after all the GUI is so much better and easier to use. However if you are like me or Old School, then you might love the command line. In most cases the command-line like a function requires […]

Build your own command extension for OpenTerm

Open Source projects are fun because there are a lot of amazing developers that spend time and effort and create something that all can use. What is more fun is the fact that other amazing talented developers add functionality and features to these open source projects. There is one such project called OpenTerm (was called […]

Add Numbers to get a value so Attitude = 100

You must have come across this little fun stuff that does the rounds on Social Media that adds the alphabets in a word to get a value. This is generally used for Motivational purposes or to prove points. For example, ATTITUDE = 100, BULLSHIT = 103, you get the idea. Let us use Swift to […]

Creating a command-line application

Swift is useful in creating not only Mobile applications or Mac OSX GUI applications it can be used to also create a commandline application which is run on the Terminal. Let’s start with the simplest/minimalist application. There is an commandline utility called yes. If you write and use bash scripts, then you could have come […]

Introduction to Variables in Swift

This is an experiment to have a textual article. This article introduces the concept and features of variables in swift in a graphical/textual form. If you like it, please share it…

Exploring Optionals

You can continue reading this article or you can choose not to. Similarly, with variables you can have cases where there is a value or it may not have a value which in other words is nil. Optionals are not applicable to all scenarios. To understand this better, read on…

Add Video Thumbnails in your apps

While a majority of the apps that are being made and will continue to be made are templates based on social media like features, the could be a requirement that it will have to display a video thumbnail. This is not difficult because at the end of the day they are simply images that represent […]

Rotate an Array in place

The interesting things that you would face during Interviews are mostly in the form of puzzles and challenges. These are meant to not tickle your brain but instead it can stump you. On top of that, if you really give it a thought, some of these questions or scenarios are based off bad architecture and […]

Rules Based Fizz Buzz

If you have interviewed at any point recently, then you might have come across the FizzBuzz problem. No, it is not to do with long term storage of your open cola bottle. It is based on a childhood game (I knew of a variant, not FizzBuzz) the idea is simple, you stand in a circle […]