Swift 2.0 – 2.B Open Source

WWDC 2015 had some interesting announcements and the biggest and most applicable / important announcement is that Swift is now 2.0 and going to be Open Source and be available for Linux.

Since swift can be used for REPL, it could be used as an alternative for writing and executing scripts (on Linux type distros). It would be a matter of time before a Windows and Android port of swift would be seen. This could live up to the possibility of having a true cross-platform language.

When Microsoft brought out the DotNet libraries, a group of developers started the Open Source Mono Project with binaries for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. Swift seems to have the prospects to grow into something quite large and important.

It is all to see how it pans out. At the end of it all there are three major parts to this
1. The Compiler and Linker tools
2. The Language Syntax
3. The GUI Classes and libraries

So heres to looking at what’s in store.

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